Shoreham Mindfulness Centre
A community space for mindfulness practice
Mindfulness is the awareness that arises when we pay attention in a kindly way to our experiences as they occur moment-by-moment.
Research has shown that mindfulness helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and other conditions that lead to human suffering. By attending more to experiences in the present moment, mindfulness also helps us to move from suffering to flourishing as we learn to appreciate what is here for us right now in this moment.
Lunchtime mindfulness meditation
A drop-in guided mindfulness meditation session for everyone.
12:00 - 12:45, every Monday (except bank holidays).
In room 7, Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, Shoreham by Sea.
Free or optional donation - click link below
Please check the events calendar on the day to ensure it's scheduled
Mindfulness course
An eight-week course to learn a range of mindfulness skills with others.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for mental health and wellbeing is an evidence-based eight-week course where participants meet together, with a mindfulness teacher, to develop their own mindfullness practice. Participants meet two hours a week for eight weeks, plus one all day retreat session in the last two weeks.
Comments from previous participants:
"A really eye-opening introduction”
"Clearly explained and a welcoming non-judgemental group”
“Now part of my daily life”
“10/10 course”
“Impacted so many areas of my life in a positive way”
“Safe, welcoming space”
“Great course, lovely people, very beneficial”
One-day retreat
Location (subject to change): Washington Village Hall. Close to the South Downs with plenty of space for walks and reflection. Suitable for anyone who has a regular daily mindfulness practice or has completed an MBCT or MBSR course. Cost £30 (or £15 concession). Email: to register.